Floris Goble comes to the aid of worried Monica Guez: “Don't close your eyes anymore” |  RTL Street

Floris Goble comes to the aid of worried Monica Guez: “Don't close your eyes anymore” | RTL Street

Monica shares a snapshot of the centipede on her Instagram stories. The insect crawled into her hotel room. After sharing the photo online with her followers, Monica receives many annoying messages. For example, people write to her that the animal is dangerous. 'Ah those are so bad! They provided the most painful bites in Aruba!!!! So I don't want you in your bed. Another wrote: “They are very dangerous!!!! They have one of the most painful bites and are extremely poisonous. One of them takes it even further: 'If this centipede bites you, you could be paralyzed.'

The announcer is afraid. “So I don't close my eyes anymore.” She seeks help from nature and animal expert Floris Goble. “Help a girl,” she wrote on Instagram.

Shortly after her call, Flores decided to record a video of Monica. “Hey, this looks like a red-headed centipede and it's actually venomous and certainly deadly to small animals. But if it were to sting you, which it definitely won't, this could be a wasp sting with a little bit of swelling.” He wants to tell Monica not to worry. “I would have someone put it in a bowl and throw it outside. Then you can sleep safely again.”

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