Don't cut, crochet: Crocheted by Joost Klein that became a hit on social media

Don't cut, crochet: Crocheted by Joost Klein that became a hit on social media

Nootdorp's Sandra van der Helm's social media has exploded. The Eurovision Song Contest nominee was crocheted by crochet enthusiast Joost Klein and has since received compliments from very enthusiastic fans. For Sandra, this was a “nice snack”, but Urubaba's supporters are now pleading for her sponsor. “But I have to disappoint them. There is no pattern. I'm just doing this from memory,” the Nootdorp native told Omroep West.

Sandra spent about eight to ten hours sewing Ghost into the now famous blue suit. “I crochet a lot, and I prefer to do things that don't exist. But I think Ghost is very creative, and I had to do something with him,” says Sandra. To Amrup West She says people probably like it so much because people need nice messages and nice things.

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Sandra was a big fan of Urubaba's song. “I thought it was crazy. I think that applies to a lot of people. The song covers a lot of genres and I haven't met anyone yet who doesn't like it.”

Millions of views

De Nootdorpse hopes that the Netherlands will start knitting en masse, because it is not dull and boring at all. “Make up your mind, be original,” she says to people who want to knit their own Ghost.

Meanwhile, Urubaba's madness continues. The singing video on YouTube has been viewed over eleven million times, dethroning Duncan Laurance's winning entry from the YouTube throne.

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Last Friday, Jost performed Europepa live online. This video is also being watched en masse. The singer performed “Europaba” for the first time in Tilburg on Thursday evening. Phones were prohibited during the performance.

Read also:

The hype around Urubaba continues: now Jost Klein also sounds from the barrel organ

Written by: Michele Van Rensselaer

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