Frans Bauer tries to lose weight using a “clay suit” |  RTL Street

Frans Bauer tries to lose weight using a “clay suit” | RTL Street

Frans Bauer (50) has been trying to lose weight for some time. In the latest episode of “De Bauers – 20 years later”, his wife Mariska (48 years old) found a special way to fight the kilos.

“I can see my toes! I couldn’t do that before.”

It’s time again for France’s age-old battle against kilos. Maresca began looking for a way to speed up the weight loss process. She hopes he will lose a few centimeters with the mud suit. How does this work? With Mariska’s help, Frans wraps himself completely in mud-soaked bandages. Mariska declares that he should “leave that for a while.” According to her, this should melt his fat.

Mariska enthuses: “It looks really cool. I thought I’d try it sometime.” Before they begin, Mariska measures his chest. 127 cm. “And you say, if we apply these things after half an hour, it should be less.” Then you measure his waist. 118.

Sons Jan, Frans Junior and Christian have their own opinion. “So, at a certain point, you think: ‘I’m not going to exercise, I’m going to do all sorts of other things to lose weight,'” says a surprised Christian. “It’s getting absolutely crazy,” France Jr. says.

As Mariska spreads more mud, Frans begins to feel warmer. “I think that’s the intention,” Mariska says. Then France puts on the suit and has to wait for half an hour.

Mud suit Image © NPO1/Screenshot De Bauers 02-05-2024
Mud suit

As they take off the bandage together in the bathroom a little later, Frans immediately thinks it has helped. “Look, Maris! Those centimeters are missing, aren’t they? I can see my toes! I couldn’t do it earlier.”

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Mariska measures Frans’s chest again, hoping that his circumference will now be less than 127 cm. “Seriously, no joke: 124 centimetres,” Mariska exclaimed with a smile from ear to ear. “I’ll wear it tonight too.” According to him, the suit was “more successful” than his personal training “I found the golden egg.”

Al Powers – 20 years later It can be watched every Thursday evening at 8:30 pm on NPO Channel 1. Frans also recently shared the waste processing process at RTL Boulevard:

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