UK already has a chance to win: Who is Sam Ryder? | NU + Eurovision Song Contest
Ask any Eurovision fan which country has consistently underperformed in recent years and the answer will almost always be the UK. The country has come first five times and has been participating since 1957, but has been unable to live up to its favorite status for years. Now there’s Sam Ryder and winning the Eurovision Song Contest suddenly seems like an option.
Met zijn lange blonde haren en vriendelijke gezicht is Ryder een opvallende verschijning op het podium, maar als hij zijn mond opent en begint te zingen, snap je pas echt waarom de bookmakers de zanger al wekenlang in de top vijf hebben staan.
“I’m up in space, man. Up in space, man. I’ve searched around the universe, been down some black holes. There’s nothing but space, man. And I wanna go home”, zingt Ryder op Space Man. De 32-jarige zanger heeft een enorm stembereik: hij zingt met gemak een heel stuk in zijn kopstem, om daarna op zwoele, soulvolle manier door te gaan.
Ryder is voor een jongere generatie al een echte beroemdheid, maar de meeste mensen zien hem op het Songfestival-podium voor het eerst. De zanger verwierf faam op het socialemediumplatform TikTok met zijn covers van bekende hits, waarmee hij begon tijdens de eerste lockdown in 2020. Inmiddels heeft hij meer dan 12 miljoen volgers op het platform en heeft hij ruim 100 miljoen likes weten te verzamelen.
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Relief after a negative British performance in Rotterdam
In their own country, Ryder’s participation was relieved: after James Newman got zero points for his number embers In Rotterdam, the UK is desperate for a winner. Because the years before that didn’t go well either.
Michael Rice, for example, also finished with his last number one in 2019 older than us And in 2018, SuRie didn’t get the 24th spot with her song Storm. The last time the UK made it into the top 10 was in 2009, when Jade Ewen finished fifth. It’s my time.
And that while the UK has been guaranteed a place in the Eurovision Song Contest final for years: the country belongs to the so-called your palm Thus, she does not have to participate in a semi-final.
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Sober under all the positivity
The fact that Ryder is famous for singing covers doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a knack for writing: astronaut Written by himself, in collaboration with Amy Wadge (ex- Thinking out loud with Ed Sheeran).
Ryder remains sober among the positive feedback when asks him about it. “I haven’t picked it up or read it myself, but I’m hearing here that people are so excited. I’m really happy to have such support for me in the UK. Everyone seems to be coming together now and getting behind me. That’s so cool, it makes you so happy.”
The singer doesn’t necessarily want to win, though it’s fun, of course. “If I can be myself and people think that’s well and good, then I’m happy.”
“Travel specialist. Typical social media scholar. Friend of animals everywhere. Freelance zombie ninja. Twitter buff.”