Third-party testing company responds to criticism over incomplete Cyberpunk 2077 test – Games – News

Whether you can blame the testers largely depends on how you report.

Complete nonsense. As if using bug hunter relieves you of your responsibilities as a publisher. You can’t shoot something that you haven’t filmed indoors and have judged. You may have heard that games go to gold. That’s when you say “We’ve seen this version of the code in action and agree we’ll release it like this”. So the final check takes place Before Publication The publisher then approves the version being checked at that time. To arrive with such letters after a year and a half is the greatest possible nonsense.
Even if there were issues with Quantic Labs, CDPR should have noticed early on and taken action. This test is done frequently. Developers are in a feedback loop with testers, so developers know very well the state of the software. You can’t fix some bugs and then you don’t see how the result appears. This is not the case with such projects. And with the amount of bugs that were still in the release (including the ps4 version that turned out to be unplayable), it couldn’t be any different that CDPR knew exactly what they were going to release. Not only that, they should have known this long before publication unless they failed to take their responsibility.

So the blame is 100% on CDPR because they are 100% responsible for what they spend. They hire testers and determine what tests are performed and how.
CDPR played the final version and came to the decision to release it. They also have time throughout the entire deployment process to adjust testers or even switch test companies. But none of that happened.

If they report to the CP PR that there are some minor bugs here and there and they only report it but it turns out to be full of bugs, you can definitely do it.

Nonsense. This is not the way things like this work. First, the developers in CDPR must know the quality of the code. Most importantly, no company will blindly rely on tester reports. As a developer/publisher, you regularly have to evaluate the business case yourself (which in practice does). As a publisher (and CDPR knows this well), you have your own responsibility for what you post. So you have to go the route yourself and test if that is what you want to offer. The testing company does not change that. Maybe they blamed their inner testers and it was still nonsense. Although testers say it’s all peachy, you have to get it right from the start yourself Real-world testing and throughout the project Spends to test. Testing tools are just a tool in the bigger picture of game development and you as a user of this tool must configure this tool properly so that it comes out with the information you need. All of the issues surrounding Cyberpunk 2077 appear to be of a regulatory nature and seem to have nothing to do with the testers but with how CDPR handles such a large management-level project.
All in all, you can’t blame the testers. It was and still is a management problem at CDPR.

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