Jacqueline Govert is not the first choice for Eurovision commentary: This broadcaster was asked for the first time |  RTL Street

Jacqueline Govert is not the first choice for Eurovision commentary: This broadcaster was asked for the first time | RTL Street

During the Eurovision Song Contest, the audience traditionally comments on many things. Even in live commentary. For example, many people had an opinion about Jacqueline Govert, 42, who appeared as a commentator for the first time during the first semifinal match on Tuesday night. Sander Lantinga (47 years old) revealed Wednesday morning on the “De Coen & Sander Show” on radio station JOE that he was actually asked to provide commentary, but had to decline.

“Can I be honest? I’ve already been asked, yes.”

in De Queen and Sander Show Quinn Swegnenberg asked Sander on Wednesday morning if he had been asked to comment. After all, Sander already took a seat next to Eurovision expert Cornald Maas in 2021 when the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Rotterdam.

“Can I be honest? I’ve already been asked, yes. If I want to sit next to Cornald again,” Sander admitted.

But why didn’t Sander board the plane to Malmo, Sweden? “It’s the same week that our show starts at JOE. And yeah, I hope you’ll forgive me, but I think our show is a little more important,” the radio DJ said.

Sander asked if he could provide commentary “remotely.” “But that didn’t work out. You really have to be there all week. And I said, ‘I think Joe W De Queen and Sander Show “More importantly”. Quinn is very happy about that: “Fortunately, that’s the kind of you!”

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