Seductive couple Jade and Ricky apart: ‘I never expected’

Seductive couple Jade and Ricky apart: ‘I never expected’

Ricky and Jade come in temptation island relationship and soon moved on together when they got home. Early last year, they revealed via Instagram that they had their first “baby”: Chihuahua Gizmo.

The two wrote in their Instagram post: “We never expected to get to this point. Unfortunately, we both decided that our love affair was over. We laughed a lot, cried a lot, made beautiful memories and had a lot of fun with each other. We never argue and love each other very much. This is exactly why we came to this decision together.

Ricky and Jade are showered with messages of support. Many well-known friends of both did not see the breakage coming. “Strength,” Bram Cricky writes with a heart behind her. ‘violently. Good luck to you both dear! Answers Jada Borsato. Tim Dusma leaves a broken heart under the letter.

Before she got into a relationship with Ricky, Jaydi was with Sonny for about 1.5 years. Once in Italy, she decided to end the relationship and leave her boyfriend to Ricky. Then Sony decided to leave the program. Jaydi previously talked about this in ‘Love Therapy’.

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