Ajax’s new commissioner, Jan van Halst, remains a football analyst, but stops with talk shows |  Dutch football

Ajax’s new commissioner, Jan van Halst, remains a football analyst, but stops with talk shows | Dutch football

Nominated as a member of the supervisory board for Ajax, Jan van Halst can continue to do his job as football analyst for Ziggo Sport in his new role. This says the channel’s spokesperson. Van Halst doesn’t just appear on Ziggo Sport talk shows anymore.

“Jan van Halst has been a highly regarded football analyst at Ziggo Sport for many years. We have agreed that he will continue to fulfill those duties. As an important football channel, we are pleased with this,” the channel spokesperson said. Van Halst no longer joins football talk shows, he confirms. Rondo and Ziggo Sport Voetbal Café On Friday evening, Van Halst could be seen for the last time on the Ziggo Sport Voetbal Café show, saying goodbye, according to a spokesperson.

Van Halst takes Danny Blind’s place on the supervisory board at Ajax. Blind decided not to return as commissioner at the end of last year, after temporarily resigning from that position during his tenure as assistant national coach at Orange. Blind also works as a football analyst for Ziggo Sport. According to the channel’s spokesperson, it has entered into the same agreements with him that will now apply to Van Halst regarding his television appearances.

Van Halst’s appointment still needs to be formally confirmed at the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on Friday, May 26.

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