Heat Map: These are the most popular running routes in Apeldoorn

Heat Map: These are the most popular running routes in Apeldoorn

Thanks to a great heat map from the Strava app, we can see exactly what routes are the most popular for runners, cyclists and swimmers in Apeldoorn (and the rest of the world).

Faith card

Strava is a social network for athletes around the world. The company collected the GPS data of all its users at the end of 2017 and turned it into a heat map. The map contains information about more than a billion activities of athletes around the world.

View the heat map here And see how the Orderbos Sports Park and Omnisport Sports Stadium provide understandably bright light. It's also easy to learn about the different routes to the Midwinter Marathon.

The main routes like Asselsestraat, Zutphensestraat and Jachtlaan seem to be very popular. Is following Kanaal Zuid a permanent part of your ongoing tour? It is clear that you are not alone. In the Matten area, the Mattenpark tour appears to be very small, since the Gildenlann-Lan van Matten-Hemmerradenlann route is often recorded.

Strava faith card
Image: Strava Labs

The greatest light

It is striking that the Netherlands is clearly in the spotlight compared to the rest of Europe on the heat map. Only in the UK do people seem as passionate about sport as we are. Or just like die-hard Strava users? Anyway it looks cool!

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