The desperate search for survivors continues under the rubble of the Miami disaster |  abroad

The desperate search for survivors continues under the rubble of the Miami disaster | abroad

The partial collapse of an apartment building in Surfside, near Miami Beach, has killed at least ten people. This was announced by Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniela Livina Cava. Today, a lifeless body was pulled out from under the rubble, and 151 others are still missing.

The building, which includes approximately 130 apartments, collapsed Thursday evening partly in. The search for survivors has been desperate since then.

Residents of the disaster apartment were told in November 2018 that their building was safe. According to American media, this happened more than a month after an engineer warned of “significant structural damage” to the apartment tower.

announcer NPR I got minutes of a meeting where a local government inspector reassured residents. They were told that the building appeared to be “in very good condition”. This contradicts the conclusions of the expert who examined the building and warned that repairs are urgently needed.


The government inspector appears to have read the expert’s warning. According to NPR, the minutes refer to such a report. The official no longer works for the local government and NPR was unable to speak to the man.

A resident of the property said she was told during the 2018 meeting there was nothing to worry about. “We were there with the surf board and they told us the building was not in a bad shape,” said the woman. “That’s what they said.”

Rescue teams in Miami continue to desperately search for survivors under the rubble. Last Friday, a little boy was rescued. View the pictures below:

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