The Countess enjoyed great love, but: “Eloise is inclined to haste in everything.”

The Countess enjoyed great love, but: “Eloise is inclined to haste in everything.”

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Their relationship feels stable. It complements it well, says moderator Marion Berndsen. Eloise is someone who has no problem being on top, while preferring to remain invisible. He feels himself. Eloise tends to want to move quickly. In everything. Then you can go a little overboard. This boy is the one who balances things out next. The relationship seems complementary and I can see them staying together for a long time. Especially if they continue their relationship along this line. I think he’s here to stay.

Good relationship with parents

In the near future, Marion sees Eloise create a new book – she previously published a learning-by-doing lifestyle guide. It is an autobiography or resume. I meant purely to portray herself as she sees herself. As I see it on a talk show. That will have to do with the book. Although Eloise has a good relationship with her parents, Marion often sees her angry when she is with them. ‘Cause they don’t approve of everything you do. She reacts angrily to it. They try to make Eloise right, but they also know there’s a ‘head on it’.

All they can do is say something about it. Although they know very well that Eloise does what she wants. However, there is a change from the past. Then I felt calmer. A meek, compliant and sweet girl. Focusing on love. And she still has a good heart.

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