Renze Klamer starts at RTL: “NPO is too complicated for bidders” currently

Renze Klamer starts at RTL: “NPO is too complicated for bidders” currently

Renze Klamer is leaving after the abrupt termination of his talk show D.Eve The public broadcaster behind him starts his late-night talk show on Monday Rain On RTL 4. “I immediately called Peter van der Forest. This is more fun than such a cumbersome political system,” says the presenter in a conversation with

Remarkably, the software makers are simply turned away, without informing them in advance. Recently it happened with several 3FM DJs and at Radio 538 Frank Dane and Queen On Sander. Last year, BNNVARA abruptly suspended the talk show after only one season Eve, which was presented by Klammer with Fidan Ekiz on NPO1. Neither of them has been notified in advance.

“Whether it is rooted in the world of media? It’s a fact that there are managers in the office who have more power than the people who are listened to and seen on radio and television,” says Clamer. “Sometimes it’s a good thing, and on the other hand you have to ask yourself what you radiate as a broadcaster when you make such a decision. It’s panic football. Khaled and Sophie – Not an installed format. You’re hurting yourself as a broadcaster.”

RTL 4, pioneering the new employer, is believed to radiate greater confidence. “The channel has dealt well with its providers in recent years. This is also due to the construction.” Public broadcasting is too complicated for broadcasters. Everyone knows that top nonprofits, think Frans Klein and Remko van Westerloo, have a decisive voice in who’s on the tube, but as a presenter, you’re not employed by an NPO, but by a broadcaster. This means that your manager sometimes has very little to say about you. And if the NPO no longer wants you, the broadcaster should keep you in the business.”

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“Shelter was nice after that disaster last year”

He describes calling RTL as “much more direct”. “If program director Peter van der West thinks something isn’t going well, I speak to him right away. That’s more fun than such a stressful political system.”

Klamer signed a two-year contract with RTL in March. The 33-year-old presenter can be watched on RTL 4 every evening from July 4 and for a month from 10pm. All this after a period of relative silence. “More in the shade was nice after last year’s troubles.”

The announcer was on vacation when he heard that Eve I stopped. “It was ridiculous to be on a boat in Curaçao with a beer in my hand and then hear it. We said on our last show of the season that we would be back in August. But I couldn’t do anything at the time. Do more and let it know I wasn’t happy with it. I accepted now that I wouldn’t know exactly how the rabbits ran at the time. The show lacked urgency, which of course was a barrel statement.”

He doesn’t want to put any more effort into it. “The decision has been made, and the program won’t come back. I’d rather gladly come back to it, and I still talk to Fidan regularly and we just made a nice program that a lot of people watched.”

“You shouldn’t assume everyone is busy with you.”

Klammer himself approached van der Forest to speak. “Assuming everyone else is busy with you, the ending is missing. I knew Peter a little and knew he always listened to Radio 1 which I worked on a lot, so I asked him if we could have a coffee.”

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This eventually led to a two-year contract. This contract had to contain something and not be “trial and error”. Starting in November, Klamer can also be seen on the weekends through the late-night talk show, because RTL will switch to the talk show seven days a week in the new TV season. It will also create and make other programs for RTL.

This is why RTL seems to be the right move. “I could have stayed with the public broadcaster, but then I’d still be in the same NPO world. I felt the need to say goodbye to that.”

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