Marvel movie ‘Morbius’ first reactions don’t bode well

Marvel movie ‘Morbius’ first reactions don’t bode well

Starting next week, the Marvel movie Morbius In cinemas in many countries. In the Netherlands, unfortunately, the film follows a little later. The first reactions have already appeared on the Internet and these do not bode well.

The film is under fire, among other things, due to the unpretentious story that favors a film from the 1990s or 2000s. The visual effects will also be modest. The post-credits video is said to be particularly poor and raise serious questions about Sony’s Spider-Man Universe.

Poor reception is not very noticeable. Sony Pictures continues to struggle with the genre. Despite the good financial results, the two poisonMovies are also not held in high esteem in terms of story.

Morbius’ reactions are not hopeful
Of course, first reactions don’t always say anything. True, the first online reactions are often more positive than the final reception among the public and critics. Starts from April 21 Morbius In Dutch cinemas.

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