Locking is over: American dogs are back in the shelter en masse

Locking is over: American dogs are back in the shelter en masse

Owners can go back to the office, so who cares for the dog? In many cases no solution can be found, so the animals are returned to the shelter. Animal shelter Vox and Vaux’s Chloe Esperiquette said, “We saw this coming.

Maximum capacity

“Before the outbreak, we received five to 10 requests from people who did not want to take care of their dogs,” Espericuet continues. “In recent months, that number has doubled, to more than twenty per month.” The center is now filled to the maximum capacity as many places in the United States.

The trend is bad news especially for dogs. There are plenty of sheltered animals in the United States that inject more than one and a half million people a year, even if they are right. That’s why Vox and Walks ’staff believe people will still want to keep dogs.

Animal activist Glenn Zipper says people should think twice before returning a dog. He recently discovered a pit bull puppy. When he brought the animal to the shelter, they were told to put it to sleep there.

“If you think you can no longer take care of a dog, the last thing you need to do is go to a shelter,” he says. “If you want to adopt, ask others first.”

No money

According to Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control, an organization that oversees animal shelters, there has actually been an increase in the number of retrieved dogs. According to a spokesman, in many cases this has to do with the financial situation in which many poor families find themselves in a contagious situation. They no longer have the money to take care of their dog.

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