Judging in America: April (Julius 486) Model and Champion

Judging in America: April (Julius 486) Model and Champion

The second model mare for 2023 in the US is called April KCF Model AA (Julius 486 x Jasper 366). She was champion at the study in Indiana on November 17, with the three-year-old Provisional Crown mare Melissa KFF (Thorban 466 x Wilster 463) as overall reserve champion.

From star to model

KFPS judges Wil Thijssen and Dick Brummel saw that April came in as a star mare with an AA forecast, which she reaffirmed in the driving test with 78 points before inspection. A seven-year-old young mare became a model and champion. ‘She has a long vertical neck, a good torso and a strong top,’ explains Will Thijsen. ‘She’s also strong on the legs, with a strong, wide gait and an upward reach.’
The second daughter of Julius to reach this milestone is April 486. Bred by Jake Vanderkooyen KCF Farms of Canada and owned by Don & Wesley Bolsdorfer of Cherith Brook Farm in Ohio. April Jocje F. A daughter of the ster preferred Prestaty AA (Jasper 366 x Jurgen 303).

Melissa temporary crown

The Reserve Day Championship went to Melissa KFF (Thorpan 466 x Wilster 463) of Roloff and Anki Krak. ‘A lovely complete mare with a great trot and a strong hind leg.’ A three-year-old mare became a temporary crown. Marik RF Steer (Ulbron 502 x Andries 415) from Renaissance Friesians earned a star with second premium in three-year-olds.

Foal Champions from Promising Harvest Farm

Both foal champions are from the stables of Perry Miller of Hopeful Harvest Farm. Only the long-legged Westin HHF (Thorban 466 x Julius 486) received the first premium. ‘He is well built, has a trot that allows him to float down the track and uses the foreleg well. The reserve championship went to breed-regular Willem HHF (Tsjalle 454 x Tonjes 59), who combined a good conformation with a strong gait, good for second premium.

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Rosalie is the Youth Champion

Only two-year-olds qualify for the Junior Championship. Rosalia de Macias Coral (Alvin 469 x Tsjalke 397) from Carlos Macia. Will Thijsen describes a mare with lots of pedigree looks and a beautiful head. ‘She has a long neck with good conformation.’ Rosalia Dowdson is the daughter of RN Grune AA.

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