‘I’m still mad at Wendy Van Dyck’ (VIDEO)

‘I’m still mad at Wendy Van Dyck’ (VIDEO)

| Saturday, January 14th at 11:30 a.m

Last updated |
Saturday January 14th at 13:25

Every morning on Gids.tv you can watch an overview Ratings. lost something? Watch the best clips again!

__Angela de Jong isn’t too happy with Wendy van Dyck ministries. She said that RTL Boulevard. “I still get annoyed with her.”

Show dramatic numbers Ministars : “I’m still mad at Wendy van Dijk” (VIDEO)

On Gids.tv you can see an overview of each morning’s viewing numbers. lost something? Watch the best clips again! __Angela de Jong isn’t too pleased with Wendy van Dijk in Ministars. She told RTL Boulevard that. “I still get annoyed with her.” Wendy van Dijk Married At First Sight viewers remain loyal and Heel Holland Bakt also remains a recipe for delicious TV. However, not every program scores well. As you know, Angela de Jong isn’t a fan of everything she’s given, with Ministars as a low point. “Wendy Van Dyck and the kids remain a special combination.” Bart Etikhoven: “Gordon is happy to be in love again, at least that’s what he thinks of himself” (VIDEO) WATCH THIS VIDEO » Watch the RTL Boulevard clip above. You can watch all broadcasts and parts of RTL Boulevard on Gids.tv.

Watch the numbers ministries Dramatic: “I’m still mad at Wendy Van Dyck” (VIDEO)

Wendy Van Dyke
my viewers Married at first sight Be loyal too All Dutch baked goods It remains a recipe for delicious TV. However, not every program scores well. As is known, Angela de Jong is not a fan of everything that is offered to her, with the bare minimum ministries. “Wendy Van Dyck and the kids remain a special combination.”

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Watch an excerpt RTL Boulevard Here at the top. You can watch all broadcasts and parts of RTL Boulevard Looking back Bee Evidence.

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