Exercise and sports physiology |  Medical contact

Exercise and sports physiology | Medical contact

Physiology and Exercise, W. Larry Kenny et al., Bon Stafalo van Logum, 700 pages, €142.

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Only one day in the gym is allowed at once, after purchasing the Dutch version of the original American standard edition of Exercise and Sports Physiology.

According to my digital kitchen scale, the richly illustrated, 696-page book weighs just over 2kg. Although it’s not a hardback yet, it looks like a dumbbell. The recently published fully revised fourth edition certainly brings what you expect to the field of physiology. It is also a great reference work for sports clinicians and clinicians who are extensively involved in sport themselves. Others are likely to respond to attention directed to the interaction between pathology and physiology, for example when it comes to exercise and cardiovascular disease, or obesity, or perhaps due to interest in sport and ageing. As would be expected with translation, many examples come from the United States. Given the smooth texts – the translation has been done by sports scientist and exercise physiologist Gerard van der Poel – this is no cause for concern.

The book contains a unique activation code that leads to an e-book accompanied by videos, animations and audio parts in English.

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