Earlier than normal and twice as many infections: Parts of South America are experiencing worst dengue outbreak ever

Earlier than normal and twice as many infections: Parts of South America are experiencing worst dengue outbreak ever

In recent weeks, criticism of President Javier Mili's government has become increasingly vocal. He blamed the move too late to address the shortage of mosquito repellent sprays and their rising prices. He will also give very little money to information campaigns.

The government has refused to include a dengue vaccine, Qdenga, from Japan in a vaccination campaign in Brazil. According to the government, the vaccine is still in the testing phase.

There are 2 vaccines against dengue, Van Bordel explains, “but you can't give them to everyone.” “You must have already had dengue before getting the vaccine.” It is important to know that vaccination cannot prevent disease, but only control it.

Meanwhile, the Miley government has already canceled import duties on foreign mosquito repellents for 30 days to eliminate the shortage. The government has also promised to increase domestic production.

For those planning to visit South America, van Bordel has an important tip: protect yourself, especially during the day, as the yellow fever mosquito and tiger mosquito are active during the day. Sleeping under a mosquito net is not enough.

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