Billiards connects!  KNBB cooperation with Bonaire

Billiards connects! KNBB cooperation with Bonaire

In May 2019, the Department of Health, Social Welfare and Sport (Min VWS) introduced the Caribbean Prevention and Sport Convention. Sports and games on Bonaire play an important role in achieving the goals set out in the agreement.

FEBIBO (Federashon Billiard Boneriano), a local billiards association, was founded and founded about 30 years ago by a number of committed people. The goal is to provide a structure within which talent can be developed. Billiards has been around on the island for some time, is widespread and forms a strong part of the leisure culture among locals.

Although there is a competition sized pool table (9 feet) on almost every corner, the organizational structure, infrastructure, knowledge, programs and accommodations are currently of such a high quality that the positive characteristics of a micro sport pool are not being adequately exploited.

KNBB is convinced that the opportunities that exist can be translated into a program that is in line with the guidelines of the Caribbean Convention on Prevention and Sport, and will lead to maximum impact. So: Bonaire Billiards (BOL) Development Program 2023-2025, With the slogan: Billiards calls.

Principles of cooperation between KNBB and FEBIBO on behalf of VWS are included. This relates to a three-year competition period, extending from August 1 to July 31, and beginning in November of the 2023-2024 season. This development program contributes (indirectly) to the achievement of the objectives and guidelines of the Prevention and Sports Convention in the Caribbean.

Development program objectives at a glance

Sport as a (social) tool.
This program contributes to: inclusion, cooperation, mental compatibility, social development, participation, structure and talent development

Features of billiards (billiards) have value
There are a few competitive and social sports, which you can play at any age (from group 7/8 to 100) without the physical limitations of the vast majority of sports. (Billiards) Everyone can play billiards. Because billiards combines many different skills (social, competitive, physical, microsport) and because the strategic component is very strong, mental flexibility is trained unnoticed.

Positive sports culture
Sports should be fun, safe, fair and carefree. Enjoying sports is the foundation of lifelong exercise. By supporting clubs and coaches in using a positive sports culture, children and adults can be made more resilient. Attention is paid to learning to win and certainly also learning to lose, respecting others, working together to achieve something, building self-confidence, and health and mental fitness.

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Experience in social translation of sport
KNBB has gained tremendous experience in the social translation of sports. Programs in which billiards are used to address social issues such as loneliness among the elderly It’s time for the Cretaceous period Directed instruction to make mathematics accessible to children Smart Ball. Programs that can make a valuable contribution in the form of a modified in Bonaire.

Talent development and competition
FEBIBO organizes a team competition and some individual tournaments aimed at adults (95% male). All official matches are played at the same location, the island’s central sports hall, Kompleho Deportivo Jorge Nicolaas. Here are two 9-foot tables in a large air-conditioned room. FEBIBO maintains these tables. In addition to this central location, there are approximately 30 9-foot pool tables and two pool tables spread throughout the island. These are mainly located in so-called “snacks”, a kind of delis and café in one place, and are not suitable for organizing competitions (for young people).

This program supports FEBIBO in creating a positive sports culture and improving youth training, leading to more and better youth players, and in working in neighborhoods (through community centers) to bring adults together in particular. Additionally, to achieve a place where talent can come together in a safe environment where competitions and training can take place on high quality equipment.

By implementing a multi-year programme, it aims at the sustainable development of billiards (billiards). Commitment to further aspects is entirely conditional, and a decision can be made to implement this in stages.

The focus is on: organizational structure, cooperation, promotion, and accommodation/materials. Knowledge/training/exchange.

FEBIBO and KNBB about cooperation

Marvin Abdul, Chairman of FEBIBO: “Arctic sports are part of the culture on Bonaire. It seems like everyone plays it at some point, whether recreationally or competitively, or at least has a family member or friend who plays it. This provides good fertile ground to prepare or roll out.” Programs with a pool as a goal or a means. This image was constantly confirmed during almost all of our conversations. A swimming pool needs no further introduction. When it becomes clear that this pool can also be used to achieve important social goals for the island, the enthusiasm for organizing activities becomes even greater.

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Henk Vigter, Chairman of the Board of Directors of KNBB: “There are a lot of social possibilities, both for young people and for the elderly. In after-school care sites, (mobile) billiard tables can make a significant contribution (compared to ping-pong tables). The requirement is that they Manage the material correctly and have activity trainers structurally available. Billiard tables can also make a valuable contribution for older people, for example in day activities or in community centres. Here too, the challenge perhaps is not so much the place or the material, but the Organize adequate guidance to ensure that billiards as an activity runs smoothly.

Willem La Rivière, Director of KNBB: “We are not the first sports federation to undertake a project/collaboration in Bonaire, but as far as I know we are the first sports federation to integrate its competition into ours. Social value has also been pioneered for us as KNBB through previous projects such as Smartpool/ Smartcue and Tijd voor Krijt, and this is no different here.The fact that the SmartPool can be used very beautifully, this time not in schools as in the Netherlands or in Europe, but this time in after-school care, responds well to the daily reality in Bonaire. It therefore has value in terms of gathering and spending time, but it also provides opportunities for training and competition.All of this on behalf of and with the support of the Department of Health, Social Care and Sport – a sign of the social value of this project.

FEBIBO will join as a federation of the KNBB division group. This means that FEBIBO is guaranteed its own identity, but complies with KNBB regulations and laws. The (individual) championships will be organized in Bonaire where participants can qualify for the National Swimming Championships in the Netherlands. If a FEBIBO Member qualifies for a European Championship through a Dutch Championship, that player will be disqualified so that FEBIBO Members can continue to compete for the Pan American Championships.

Vibebo press release:


Kralendijk, – RIBA On November 9, during a press conference, Willem La Rivière, President of KNBB, and Marvin Abdul, President of FEBIBO signed a cooperation agreement between the Koninklijke Nederlandse Biljartbond (KNBB) and the Federation of Biljart Boneriano (FEBIBO). . Entered in November 2023, FEBIBO joined the online section of the KNBB pool.

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Ku esaki FEBIBO will guarantee the identity of his month, but will conform his month to the statute and KNBB regulations. The cooperation between FEBIBO and KNBB will provide social interest in Boneiru, improve the integration of competencies, will work on hiba SmartPool and after-school accommodation and will improve the relationship between KNBB members.

The results of the cooperation between KNBB and FEBIBO will be assigned to the Ministry of Public Health, Social Welfare and Sport (VWS). In May 2019, the Ministry introduced an agreement on the ban on Caribbean sports.

The KNBB Council will come together and translate matters into a second program and instructions for the Caribbean Convention on Prevention and Sport, achieving maximum impact. For example: Beljart (Pool) Bonero Development Program 2023-2025 Under the slogan: (Pool) Beljart will connect. The competition will last for three years, from August to July 31, starting in November of the 2023-2024 season.

Its program is designed (indirectly) to contribute to the fulfillment of the meta-instructions of the Non-Removal Agreement.

It was decided to organize the (individual) tournament in Bonero, in which he will participate in the month’s publication to NK Pool in the Netherlands. If a FEBIBO member, via a Dutch Championship, nominates their month for a European Championship, they will be disqualified and entered here in order to be a FEBIBO member because they went to the Pan American Championship.

FEBIBO is a local federation of billiards, formed and launched nearly 30 years ago by an enbolbí. The Esaki ku komo goal provided the den ku structure for talent to develop. Poolblijart Even a long pace can offer rivers and islands, wrapping around them to form a large part of the liberal rhythm culture around the locals.

Vibibo x KNBB

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Bonaire Billiards unites under the KNBB flag

Bonaire Photos: FEBIBO

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