Battlefield 2042 and FIFA 22 appear to be on the way to Game Pass – Update – Games – News

Electronic Arts FIFA 22 and Battlefield 2042 have received the Game Pass logo on the Xbox Store. The games are not yet available via Game Pass, but may be included in a subsequent addition to the service.

Users saw the logos to appear On the Product Pages From games on New games are added regularly to Game Pass, and Microsoft’s Xbox division released a new game last Friday Video overview What games will enter the service soon? Many names have passed there, but Battlefield 2042 and FIFA 22 have not. Hence the possible official announcement has yet to follow.

By itself, the arrival of FIFA and Battlefield isn’t a huge development. FIFA 20, 21, and eight different Battlefield games have already been played, including the second edition, Battlefield V. The latter appeared in November 2018 and did not enter the Game Pass list until July 2021; So there was a period of two years and eight months in between. Battlefield 2042 was released in November of 2021. If it comes to Game Pass sometime in May, it would be just six months after its release.

A possible explanation for switching to Game Pass could be that the game is not popular with players. on the steam Only 27 percent of all user reviews of the game are positive, and the game currently has a maximum of about 3,000 concurrent players. Adding to the Game Pass library could give more gamers a chance and earn EA more money for the title. In any case, this same logic seems to apply less to FIFA: this game scores 79% among Steam users.

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Game Pass is a subscription service from Microsoft. For the duration of the subscription, subscribers will have access to an ever-growing selection of games, on Windows and Xbox consoles. For an additional cost, gamers can also access Xbox Cloud Gaming. EA Play subscription service is also included in Game Pass for PC, but this does not give players permanent access to FIFA 22 and BF2042; So one must take EA Play Pro.

If EA and Microsoft actually plan to add these two games to Game Pass, banner-based advertising doesn’t look far in the future. It’s unclear if Windows versions of these games will be included as well.

Update 14:30: Tweakers Recon24 and Ghost babel note that games aren’t coming as often to Game Pass as they are. Play EA Come on, that collage With PC Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. The arrival of these two titles on EA Play is an expected development in itself; This is what all EA games seem to be doing sooner or later. Its timing will be a bit surprising: some EA games have come, like UFC 4 and DIRT 5 11 And 9 months after its release on EA Play. For the BF2042 and FIFA 22, that will be 6 and 7 months, when they come into service in May. 6 months appears to be the shortest time EA has to wait before bringing a game to EA Play. For example, the company waited 6 months With Knockout City and NHL 21 Transfer.

Furthermore, the PlayStation version of FIFA 22 will be given away for free on PS Plus for a month starting May 3. Players can claim the game for zero euros, but they can only play it with an active PS Plus subscription.

Battlefield 2042

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