Angela Grothuizen on the haters online: “They haven’t been able to see their own cock for years”

Angela Grothuizen on the haters online: “They haven’t been able to see their own cock for years”

Angela can be heard so much on the radio these days, but you sometimes forget that there are also cameras in there nowadays, so that the radio broadcast actually sounds more like a TV show.

“And you get comments on it if your still white, wrinkled face on a Saturday morning…” says Angela. “I don’t really care,” she continues.

The singer knows that most people react positively. “Ninety percent of people are incredibly sweet. We tend to focus on those naughty, pathetic types,” she says.

What is said about Angela then? “If anything was said, it was about this: That old woman, or that old brownie. And they’re usually a bit of a sad type. Angry at the world, they can’t see their cock for years. So that’s a little bit. Anyway.” I really don’t care.”

Angela will soon appear in a new talent show, suspiciously similar The Voice of the NetherlandsWhich of course disappeared from the tube after all the violations came to light. At first there was some criticism of the new show’s arrival, but Angela wonders, “What’s wrong with The Voice 2.0?” She talks about it in the video below.

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