Viaplay and KPN announce their collaboration
More from Viaplay
The live streaming service Viaplay from Nordic Entertainment Group AB (Public) (NENT Group) is available in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Viaplay will be launched in the US in 2021. In 2022 it will replace the Netherlands and the UK, followed by Canada, Germany, Austria and Switzerland by the end of 2023. Viaplay operates streaming services, TV channels, radio stations and production companies, and its goal is to tell stories, create a life that touches and expands realms. NENT Group is headquartered in Stockholm where it reaches the world and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (“NENT B”).
About KPN
KPN has been the leading provider of telecommunications and information technology services in the Netherlands for nearly 140 years. Every Dutch person uses KPN on a daily basis, directly or indirectly, from fiber-optic connections in the ground to ATMs in a shop or matrix signs above the highway. Through the Netherlands Network, in which KPN is investing continuously by installing fiber and deploying, for example, the new 5G mobile network, KPN serves consumers and business customers with telephony, data, television, Internet-of-things, and the cloud. Workplace and safety. KPN has an open network on which other service providers also provide services. More information at
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