US calculates Covid policy

US calculates Covid policy

Better outside despite the cold: Street view from New York in February 2021
Image: EPA

America’s Covid Policy Under Scrutiny: In Court, Politics, and Science. How effective was the lockdown? Several studies provide information.

VOr three years ago, three scientists, Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta and Martin Guldorf, published a text called “The Great Barrington Declaration”. The speech, published on October 5, 2020, caused a stir, especially in expert circles, because it fundamentally criticized the political measures to control the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States and many other countries and, above all, opposed the lockdowns. This statement was little known to the general public. One possible reason: The U.S. government’s censorship campaign successfully prevented the text from getting on social media.

The accusation of censorship does not arise from a conspiracy fantasy. In July of this year, a judge in Louisiana issued a temporary restraining order against government agencies, barring them from engaging in social media, with a few exceptions. Two of the authors of the “Great Barrington Declaration” and other plaintiffs sued alleging that their freedom of expression was abridged by the decree.

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