Two Belgian top horses to the United States

Two Belgian top horses to the United States

Belgian show jumpers Gilles Thomas and Wilm Vermeer with their top horses Konak (by Nabab de Rev) and N-Joy van ‘de Hellwater (V. Elvis der Putte) Departure for the United States. Chandler has Meadows House And purchased by Judge Vermeers N-Joy Quentin.

Gilles Thomas recently won bronze at the Belgian Show Jumping Championships with 11-year-old Konak. Prior to that, the young rider was considered a successful horse rider. In 2019, the pair finished second with the Belgian team at the European Championships for Young Riders in Juidwold. Separately, the two finished fourth. They have participated in many 5 * tournaments such as Mechelen, Doha and Stockholm. In the United States, Chandler Meadows will release Konac.

N-Joy from Hellowater to Judge of Quentin

Wilm Vermeer rode up to 1.50 level on eight-year-old N-Joy Van’t Hellewater. At the beginning of last summer, Elvis der Putte’s son came to the barn of Vermeer, and he was able to reach many great places. Last month the pair won the 1.45m class at 4 * in Ascon and placed seventh in the 1.50m class. Judge Quinn N-Joy’s new rider on the American Quentin.


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