“Then again with you”

“Then again with you”

Influencer and good friend of Monica Gewes, Danique Busers, has her own podcast with her friend and business partner Peter Musters. The podcast is called “Unfinished Business” and in it the two discuss all the undiscussed matters that should not remain undiscussed.
In the latest episode, the influencer tells her friend a super sweet story about her perfect date. It will consist of a night where she can fool Frena.

“I would then drive to Frena’s house, show him every corner of the room and then go home,” says Bussers. “I think he’ll show you every corner of the room,” her friend Musters responds with a laugh, “instead of the other way around.”

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After they both laugh at the idea, Bossers continues her story. “Then I’m going to go home and I want to do it with you again quietly,” she tells Musters. His reaction to the idea speaks volumes. “I don’t think I’ll be there yet,” he replies. “I don’t even think you’ll be walking up the stairs in the house,” Musters concludes pointedly.

You can listen to the full episode of the Unfinished Business podcast below.

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