The gym wants to be “basic,” just like education and premium games
Fitness Center
Photo: Unsplash
Exercising is just as important as bread and daily education, or at least “essential”. Sports clubs are arguing about it, so they can (partially) get to open it again soon.
Sports clubs believe that it should be classified as a primary sector by the government, just like schools and supermarkets. After that, the Dutch will be at least able to exercise again in this Corona crisis, says the trade association NL is active.
Gyms are partially open
The organization is in talks with the cabinet to influence the final decisions of Tuesday’s press conference. “We are asking the government to partially open gyms, as was the case before December 15th,” says director Ronald Waters. “So with control over the number of people, good circulation and good air filtration systems.”
Minister Hoekstra also emphasized the importance of sport, especially in these times! This can be done safely in our gyms, as we have already proven. we are ready!Embed a Tweet Don’t leave us and our athletes in the cold anymore WRBKHoExtra # Inactive
NL Active (nlactief) February 19, 2021
Wouters reports that research by the sports organization NOC * NSF shows that nearly half of people have recently started exercising less or even stop altogether. “This is harmful to people’s health. Sports is not entertainment, but an essential factor for public health.” Personal trainers who usually work in gyms have seen a decrease in their work in recent months.
‘Lifestyle Coaches’
Waters explains that the government should allow people to exercise to promote public health. “We are part of the solution to the Corona crisis.” Waters also finds it “strange” that Public Health Minister Hugo de Jong wants to spend 200 million euros on lifestyle coaches. It then ignores the entire infrastructure, already in place, of gyms that aimed at a healthy lifestyle, but is now forced closed.
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‘Basic sport’
People really want gyms to reopen on social media.
Open those gyms! Exercise is essential for a healthy body and mind! #Retweet
– Blaine (@ Pauline1H) January 21, 2021
#Press Conference #Lovequotes
I say#Barber shop # I love youAnd the #Retweet #All_sport#ShopsOpen # Hahahahaha # O Lord # Longing
And for everyone # VentilationAnd the # Vitamin D And the # Moves , Eat + healthy drink, Embed a Tweet Embed a Tweet
Say that too !!– Ina (@ 1967woman) February 2, 2021
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– Yvette (@YvetteSpillsTea) February 22, 2021
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Gym clubs want to be “basic,” just like education and super items