The curtain falls on America Here and Captain O’Malley

The curtain falls on America Here and Captain O’Malley

The curtain falls on America Here and Captain O’Malley

On Friday This week he is saying goodbye to regular guests.

Moe deeply disappointed. He knows he started at a very bad time, but he has invested a lot of money and time to make CloverShow more beautiful:

‘It doesn’t work anymore. Staying here will increase my debt. The feedback is correct, I worked hard. I am 48 years old and I put all my money in it. The municipality, the government has abandoned me. Like other catering entrepreneurs, I feel compelled to watch everything break down at home. ‘

The Captain Choir is one of the regular guests. Tonight Mo wants to make it another feast for them:

“They have a lot of history here. They started this place 25 years ago. I wish they had a good answer. Then stop.”

De Ode Herberg – is bankrupt because it has the same owner – probably will continue, but with a different operator.

Tharestani Holding PV

USA Hear PV, 2 is owned by Terestani Holding PV, located at CloverShow. BV was registered with the Chamber of Commerce on September 4, 2020. Captain O’Malley (CloverShock 2) also owns Terestani Holding PV.

The holding company was registered on September 12, 2019. The director and sole partner is Mortaza Tharestani Farahani. Darestani Holding is the sole director and partner of Café De Oude Herberg BV, which was registered on September 12, 2019.

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