Over 2.63 million viewers see a WIDM filter receive a mysterious phone call |  Watch

Over 2.63 million viewers see a WIDM filter receive a mysterious phone call | Watch

Spoiler alertTwenty-third season Who is a mole? I finally started last night in Cape Town. The end of the first episode immediately raised questions, because more than 2.63 million viewers watched how actress Sarah Jannah received a very mysterious phone call.

NB! This article contains spoilers.

Together with presenter Juri Geluk, singer and actress Sarah Jannah is one of the first candidates to escape from the box (the same box in which the participants were hiding in Holland at the end of November) during the first mission of the season. Later, the singer works her way through the musical ear of conductor and pianist Stephane Lombard, after being given an hour of practice to sing an African song with a gospel choir. With this task I was able to collect at least 1500.

But the joy turned out to be short-lived. Janneh shows a red screen at the end of the episode and has to leave the game. At least, that’s what you think. When she returns to the hotel, a surprise awaits her. “Good evening Sarah, I have a message for you,” says the hotel receptionist. She opens the drawer, opens the drawer, and hands Sarah a brown envelope.


Sarah opens the envelope and asks for the phone number in the envelope. On the other end of the line you hear: “Tomorrow you can return to the game by playing pot money. Tomorrow morning at nine o’clock there will be a pickup truck waiting for you. I am waiting for you at the Saldanha Steel Mill.” This was a great surprise to Committee itself, who listened to the message with an open mouth. “What are these men? What do I do?”

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Sara Janna takes the call

Sara Janna takes the call © Avrotros

Twenty-third season Who is a mole? It started with over 2.63 million viewers. This is much lower than has been the norm in recent years, according to figures from Stichting KijkOnderzoek. The past three regular series immediately attracted at least 3 million viewers initially. An additional season opened in fall 2020 to an audience of 2.66 million people. The last time less than 2.63 million people watched the first episode was in 2016 when more than 2.16 million viewers tuned in to AVROTROS’ hit show.

Who is a mole? Saturday was again the best watched program on Dutch television. Ik Departure, which aired next, was also a success with nearly 1.5 million viewers. NPO 3 also did a good job with Moltalk, its post-talk program Who is a mole?. It was watched by more than a million people.

All commercial channels remained below the million mark. for the program I don’t know 919,000 people watched RTL 4 and SBS6 scored 665,000 viewers The Tribute – Battle of the Bands.

Watch all videos of the show and entertainment here:

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