Influencer Armani receives help from the Netherlands after a blind date scandal in Morocco

Influencer Armani receives help from the Netherlands after a blind date scandal in Morocco

April 20, 2024 – 11:00 – The World


Rotterdam influencer Armani Legomani is stuck in Morocco due to her controversial participation in an online dating show on YouTube. Her choice of clothing caused a sensation in Morocco. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering its assistance.

Armani Joumani, who grew up in the Netherlands but also holds Moroccan citizenship, participated in the “Blind Date by Outfit” program on YouTube. In the video, she chose her date based on their outfits. Her choice of a short skirt and rejecting a candidate who does not own a dog did not win the approval of many Moroccan viewers.

Read also: Anger over a blind dating video in Morocco

The video sparked a storm of criticism on social media, and Armani Joumani was accused of wearing inappropriate clothing and disrespecting Moroccan culture. The Moroccan Ministry of Justice opened an investigation into the video to determine whether it constitutes incitement to prostitution.

Armani L'Goumani apologized for the uproar in its TikTok video. She said that she did not expect her choice of clothing to offend Moroccans because she grew up in the Netherlands, where such clothing choices are considered normal. She also confirmed that she was wearing shorts under her skirt.

Read also: Rotterdam influencer Armani stuck in Morocco after controversial blind date

Despite her apology, the influencer is not allowed to leave Morocco at the moment. She is not in prison, but lives in an apartment and reports to the police regularly. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with the Moroccan authorities and is providing consular assistance to Armani for Goumani.

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