Hundreds of Dutch drivers are stuck in the UK |  abroad

Hundreds of Dutch drivers are stuck in the UK | abroad

VideoHundreds of Dutch truck drivers Stuck in the UK Due to travel restrictions imposed to contain the highly contagious type of Coronavirus. Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN) provided this recognition.

Jan Hoodeman

Last updated:
21-12-20, 18:24

He knows the truck driver, Maurice Van Zohn Not what he would do. All ferries are full and France has closed its borders. I am now in Manchester and heading towards Dover. ”He is not alone.

Many drivers suffer from long traffic jams in front of the ferries and the canal tunnel. The trade association said they were in danger of being forced to remain in the UK due to measures against the mutated coronavirus that was discovered there. Together with the FNV trade union, TLN is calling on the Cabinet to ensure that truck drivers return home before Christmas.

A long line of trucks in Dover Port.
A long line of trucks in Dover Port. © Environmental Protection Agency

Fully enclosed

England was completely cut off from the outside world this weekend after a more aggressive mutation of Covid was detected. Passengers are prohibited from passing by plane, ferry, and train. The Dutch government decided immediately yesterday to close passenger ferry routes between the Netherlands and England.


The virus is not only transmitted through the air

Jan Paternot, MP for D66.

European Union countries have now held emergency talks about the highly contagious new Corona variant. The 27 member states discussed how and whether the movement of people between England and the European mainland should be stopped. The question was whether access would be possible at any time for the British who could present a negative coronavirus test.

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On Saturday, the House of Representatives initially did not understand the Cabinet’s decision to ban flights from London only Sunday morning at 6 am and allow ferries to pass. “The virus is not just transmitted by plane,” D66 Representative Jan Paternott said on Twitter.


After the air traffic, the passenger traffic on the ferry has now stopped immediately. Goods can be shipped to the Netherlands by ferry. It relates to 28 ferries per week that reach the Netherlands via three different routes: Rotterdam, Hock Van Holland and Egmoden. On average, one in three Britons travel by ferry, while the remainder travel by air.

Minister Cora Van Neuenhuisen (Infrastructure and Water Management) said in a letter to the House of Representatives that the measure also applies to passengers who have Dutch citizenship. Dutch people who cannot return due to this measure are advised to find accommodation in the UK.

Travelers can still travel to and from the UK by car or boat on Sunday, although the Foreign Office has advised against making such a trip and returning people should remain in quarantine at home for ten days. The Stena Line ferry service immediately saw more passengers wanting to go to Europoort from Harwich.

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Health, Welfare and Sports Minister Hugo de Jong said he was worried. Today, an expert outbreak management team (OMT) will consult on the basis of the latest knowledge that “potential” proposals will lead to tightening. Then the Ministerial Committee for Crisis Management (MCC) will make a decision on Tuesday with the ministers most concerned.

De Jonge’s reaction was somewhat sober to the news about the new Covid mutation. Our information at the moment is that it may spread faster, but not have a more serious disease course. Vaccination also remains just as effective, even with this mutation. That doesn’t give a more disturbing picture compared to the knowledge we had up until Saturday afternoon. ”

More and more countries are banning flights from Great Britain
More and more countries are banning flights from Great Britain for fear of importing a highly contagious type of coronavirus, which is spreading faster than usual. Spain, Portugal and Russia, among others, have joined the ranks of nations. The Netherlands was the first to take action at the end of last week.

Spain also closed its borders with Gibraltar, a British region on the Mediterranean Sea.

Scientists confirm that the mutated virus may already be present in countries that do not have the most modern detection tools. It is actually found in the Netherlands, among other things. Therefore, Turkey bans flights from the Netherlands.

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Sweden, in turn, closes its borders with Denmark after discovering a new alternative there, Swedish media reported.

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