How long can the voice of Holland be on TV?

How long can the voice of Holland be on TV?

In the United States, it was recently announced that Ariana Grande will take over the coaching position for the 21st season (!) Of the hit show there. However, in the Netherlands after eleven series, some critics believe the sprawl is a bit far from the show. TV guru Rob Goossens sees it differently, after 2.1 million people watched the Season 11 Final. “We tell ourselves that this is not a very impressive number, while any other talent show will achieve it in Season 11.”

Rob himself was also in front of the tube in the latest series, as talented Danny from Anouk’s stable blasted for the title. It was thought that “it wasn’t the best season ever,” and thus it is sometimes a difficult season. “They started this year at 8 o’clock. These two hours with the commercials in between are demanding a lot of viewers.” According to Rob, the show’s particular strength is that it “really captures the imagination” of the talent for singing. “As long as they think they can penetrate the sound So sign up, you don’t need to worry too much about production. “

Another thing that comes into play, according to Rob, is that Friday evening in many homes may be repaired as well Voice-evening. “A lot of people have that in their system. And in that respect, RTL saves them a lot of selection pressure the sound To broadcast. And well Baby voiceSeN The Voice CineoAccording to Rob, there are still programs that many families enjoy watching.

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This year coach Anouk in particular had a lot to say about the show. I felt that the viewer should have less influence on the talent that continues the tour and that does not continue. Rob disagrees. “The crowd in the house has a big voice, but that voice is not decisive. If Anouk thinks someone is not in the final, then she cannot turn through the auditions.” Rob wonders when she satisfies Anuk. “I don’t think it’s surprising that if you ask them to follow your show for weeks, you also allow your viewers to say something.”

Rob says he loves it when programs stop at their peak. “In that respect, I don’t mind if RTL develops something new.” At the same time, according to the media connoisseur, this is also the hard part: “As a channel you want to innovate, but you don’t want to disappoint your viewers with a new program and then lose them. And if you are still attracting 2.1 million viewers with your final, the program takes two hours.” … then I think it would be stupid to stop. “

For now, Rob sees the sound So don’t disappear from the show. “It’s a program that you can follow up with more easily than The Mystery SingerBecause that’s what one-time celebrities do, he explains, “As long as there is a talent for singing who wants to participate, you don’t need to worry too much about the show.”

He said in the video below VoiceDanny won for the communication he still had with his coach Anouk.

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