The rough reality in a divided UK after Brexit ends

The rough reality in a divided UK after Brexit ends

In recent months, I had the idea that I had now gotten a call on my phone from a general practitioner (general practitioner, or GP) in Greenwich to get an injection. I get a letter every year to get a flu shot, and I’m sick at risk. Then she made an appointment and got an injection without further ado.

After I left, I canceled my phone number and since the epidemic I have not crossed the canal. My ex-Greenwich colleague, who is more than 20 years younger than me, has had an injection for a long time. Like most Dutch people, I have not yet received any indication that I will be vaccinated. Except for Minister De Jong’s vague public announcements.

Big hit

The UK has been hit hard by the massive messy handling of the pandemic, meanwhile, is taking place in Brexit, and now the impact on the country’s trade and economy is showing. Because in the first phase of the Brexit regulations they were still flexibly applied, the big hit was not yet available, but many companies trading with the European Union were now forced to open a branch in a European country, from which the Netherlands also benefited.

I recently arrived at my front door from a bank in London stating that owning an account from the Netherlands would be impossible

In addition to the problems with imports and exports, the economy suffers from the biggest recession in living memory. Recently, a letter arrived at my doorstep from my bank in London with the announcement – at De Nederlandsche Bank’s insistence – that having an account from the Netherlands would be impossible and that my account would soon be closed. This is the next step in the Brexit process, with some dire consequences for me. There isn’t much on the bill, but it’s still a confirmation of the thinner bond I have with the state.

Hide the consequences of Brexit

The government is doing a lot to ensure that the debts attributed to Brexit are neutralized. Earlier it was announced that the Labor leadership was also urging avoiding the word Brexit in the parliamentary debates. With Brexit also resonating positively among the many people in opposition, the importance appears to be attached to masking the impact of Brexit. In the era of former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, that should come as no surprise, but the current leader, Kerr Starmer, has a very different reputation.

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His area of ​​London is where the Euro star leaves for Europe: Kings Cross-St. Pancras. While the second word is avoided, Boris Johnson, as prime minister, is blaming the chaos, especially in the early days of approaching the pandemic, and thus the chaotic and inimitable policy in tackling Corona.

The numbers of new Corona patients are finally moving in the right direction and the country is slowly breathing back

With all this in mind, it is of course a good thing that vaccination is very fanatical in the UK. The numbers of new Corona patients are finally moving in the right direction and the country is slowly breathing back. It was a bit alarming that Boris Johnson was arrested last week explaining in a speech to his supporters that the vaccination policy was a reflection of the nature of capitalism and greed.


This was the picture from the European Union – where Ursula von der Leyen nearly started a vaccine war to prevent many vaccines from going to the UK – but it certainly wasn’t a good picture of the policy towards the grassroots. After all, it is best to attribute the proceeds of vaccination entirely to government policy. So Johnson’s comments were quickly deleted on social media.

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It remains to be seen whether vaccination policy can be attributed to greed and capitalism or whether other factors play a role. I also tend to give weight to other factors such as organizational talent and positive commitment, of which I remember two examples when I was working in London. The first concerned the bombings that took place in various locations in London on 7 July 2005. The entire city, and indeed the entire country, was in deep shock.

They walk around with handbags under their arms, walking around with sober faces as if they’ve been traveling this way for years. This alternative public transportation was arranged within a day

There are no longer trains or subways that run from the city center. The Thamesclippers reached Greenwich and hauled everyone out of the center for free. There, buses were ready to take everyone for free. The faces of the office workers who arrived by boat made a deep impression on me. They walk around with handbags under their arms, walking around with sober faces as if they’ve been traveling this way for years. This alternative public transportation was arranged within a day.

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Olympiad legacy

The second event, which the whole world witnessed, was the 2012 Olympics. Many of our students participated in the organization in one way or another – be it a professional or a volunteer. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm is unimaginable. As far as can be ascertained, the organization went smoothly and at the university we also promptly investigated the legacy – a term difficult to translate – in order to make it as lucky as possible.

Some residents around Greenwich Park said some trees must be cut down to make room for equestrianism

As part of generally impoverished East London, Stratford has been transformed into a futuristic part of the city with beautiful parks, ultra-modern housing and good amenities. This all happened at an insane pace and the critical noise was minimal. Some residents around Greenwich Park have complained that some trees had to be cut down to make room for equestrian – equestrian sport – but here too the organization went smoothly. Incidentally, the same residents sometimes demand thousands of pounds a week when renting part of their home to horse racing visitors.

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Enthusiasm and division

Both events demonstrate, in very different ways, organizational talent and creativity in entrepreneurship. In addition, an unprecedented fervor appeared at the Olympic Games, which raised many from their enthusiasm. This is in stark contrast to the current situation, as the country is now completely divided – mainly due to Brexit. The problems are still not fully visible, and where possible, the government is trying to push them forward.

This number will remain in my memory as a reminder of the better times I lived in that country

However, the gaps in the government budget are such that, despite the low interest rates, the cuts lie again. So the success of the vaccination policy is paradoxical, compared to the misery of the country, and it is only a patch on the wound. Nevertheless, I very much look forward to continuing this path again; Perhaps after the final vaccination. Somewhere in a shed on campus is an old batafoss. I can easily unlock the built-in lock, because it starts with the first digits of my English phone number. It will remain in my memory as a reminder of the better times I lived in that country.

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You will draw a sociologist. He worked at the University of Greenwich

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