Five great compliments on Coolsingel

Five great compliments on Coolsingel

The new football

After three years in operation, Coolsingel is finally reused in Rotterdam. For a hundred years, major sporting celebrations have taken place here, from boxers to riders to the Viennors. So we’ve put together a list of five great events.

picture Across Rotterdam City Archives

Coolsingel’s last big tribute is of course the best in our memory. In 2017, Feyenoord finally became champion again, resulting in a massive soccer ball. This venue has now been associated with honoring athletes for a century, according to our list.

1921: The first sporting gala

French boxer Georges Carpentier (1894-1975) was one of the most famous boxers of his era. In 1921 he visited the Netherlands, including Rotterdam. Coolsingel earned a huge tribute, a first for an athlete on that site.

at Northern Sports Magazine It was a beautiful eyewitness account. Delftsche Poortplein was black with people. Carpentier was coming. There were many people running towards the motorcade. Many ran along the Coolsingel in the car the day champ was sitting in, and the trams are stopped. Hidden in the car behind the glasses, Carpentier waved only once or twice. The high gate of the hospital on Calandplein seemed to be filled with human ivy.

Then the French stated that he had never seen before, “or should have been in America”. The whole story is there Here.

1924: Feyenoord’s first honor

It was the first time Feyenoord celebrated over Coolsingel after winning the Division Championship in 1924. This party was not organized by the club itself, but by straight ahead, The daily newspaper of the Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SDAP) in Rotterdam. It seems strange for a political party to assume this responsibility, but the Socialists were especially attracted to Feyenoord in 1924. They organized some kind of city tour, which also walked along Coolsingel.

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It became a popular festival like Rotterdam, never seen before with tens of thousands of Feyenoord supporters. Police hands were full. “There have been more inaugural entries of various kinds in the field of sports in Rotterdam,” the reporter said. straight ahead“But I have never seen such a huge crowd that on Sunday they crowded together in a ceremonial parade of the athletes.” It wasn’t until late in the evening that Feyenoord’s team crammed into the crowd to finally reach the South.

This happened again a few months later, because Feyenoord also won the national title. This time the party organized the party itself, not SDAP. Chaos was back in Coolsingel, according to Dee Courant haggOn the side of the motorcade that entered Rotterdam Street, there was a long chain of cars decorated with red and white flags and wreaths on their headdresses, no policeman saw. Thousands of enthusiasts were free to climb on the running boards and on the fenders and hang from the hoods of cars, which made towing even more difficult.

This story is complete Here.

From 1921: other football celebrations

Coolsingel is now a Feyenoord Awards exclusive, but other footballers also receive honors on this site. Early in 1921, Sparta organized a big football party in Coolsingel after the legendary soccer trip to Harlem, during which about 2,000 Rotterdam supporters traveled to cheer their club. After returning home, thousands of people were waiting on Coolsingel to bring Sparta with a party. This story stands Here.

In 1936, a spontaneous ceremony was held for the Dutch national football team Coolsingel after the victory over France. Sparta was also honored there after claiming the national title in 1959. About 15,000 supporters celebrated this heroic ceremony in town, also on a tour that took us on Coolsingel.

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1924: Olympic honor

The 1924 Dutch Cycling Team also received a ceremonial reception on Coolsingel after winning a gold medal at the Olympics in Paris. Riders were offered a city tour, with a cheering crowd on Coolsingel. A few months later it happened again, but with the Olympic equestrian team also winning the gold medal.

1969 and 1970: National Champion and European Cup

The all-time legendary celebration took place in 1970 after Feyenoord won the European Cup 1, with about 100,000 to 200,000 people. And because of this 1970 soccer gig also we are now making the automatic link between Feyenoord and Coolsingel, but that wasn’t the case a year ago.

Feyenoord players won the national title in 1969 and thus visited City Hall. Mayor Thomason welcomed the team, after which he pushed the players to the balcony to cheer from the crowd. There were only 300 supporters waving a flag at the time …

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