Davina Michelle wants to take a “small step back” to start a family

Davina Michelle wants to take a “small step back” to start a family

Davina discusses her career path with Bo van Erveen Doorens. The Dutch singer’s star is still on the rise. Although it may also cross longitudinal boundaries. “I keep in mind that I want to give it all up for another four years,” she says. Then you want to take things easy. “I would really like to have a family. I would also like to have a big family, if possible.” Davina has a relationship with Sebastian with whom she also writes songs.

What should that family look like? “I always said I wanted five cats, but after two I believe it. I could have at least three children,” she says frankly. She puts her career on the back burner for the family. “Then I’m really thinking about taking a little step back.”

She also says that she would like to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, but it is still early. “You get that stamp and you’re often pushed into that corner. It takes an incredible amount of time. It can bring you a lot, too, but you can also lose a lot, especially in the first few years.” But she definitely wants to get involved later in her career. In any case, she is in contact with the organization.

Boo’s house See you every Thursday evening at 8:30pm on RTL 4 and Videoland.

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