Cuba’s “best spy” released from US prison after more than 20 years

Cuba’s “best spy” released from US prison after more than 20 years

And she had to pay for it. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but was released yesterday after more than 20 years.

Saved pages

Montes worked for years as a US security agent during the day, but in reality she spied for Cuba on the job for 17 years. She did this not by stealing documents, but by printing out page after page of the state secrets she had memorized during the day.

All of these pages were then sent on secure drives to Cuban intelligence. What prompted her? It simply did not approve of US policy toward Cuba. She called it cruel and unfair, and therefore wanted to help Cuba.

During her years of espionage, she revealed, among other things, the identities of four undercover US intelligence officers who were spying in Cuba and managed to share countless classified documents.

One of the most harmful spies

And so Countess was summoned in 2012 by Michelle Van Cleef, the head of American counterintelligence under President George W. Bush, one of the most damaging spies ever arrested by the United States. “The Cubans, because of her, were well aware of everything we know about them and could therefore use it to their advantage.”

But in 2001 that ended. American intelligence agencies got information about Montes, the FBI investigated everything about her, and they finally managed to catch her just 10 days after the attacks on the World Trade Center. During the day arrest her She would reply calmly.

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So the judge sentenced her to 25 years in prison, but the prison ended yesterday. Montes will remain under stricter supervision for the next five years, for example, her online behavior will be tracked and she will not be allowed to contact foreign agents.

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