Café Twenty's philosophy of “Creativity in Art and Science”

Café Twenty's philosophy of “Creativity in Art and Science”

Bringing people back to science – this is the mission that Mickey Boone sets herself. “Man's ability to create is unfortunately often limited to art. Moreover, art is often viewed as warm, original and deeply human. Science, on the other hand, is viewed as cold, cold and rational, and the philosophy of science is also contradictory. It is called Siberia Philosophy. How can these images be reconciled with creativity in science? Science searches for the truth – what does this have to do with creativity? Science discovers – is this not contradictory to creativity? Is creativity in science different or comparable? Creativity in science or art?

Boone will engage with these questions philosophically by referring to thinkers such as Immanuel Kant, Thomas Kuhn, Nancy Cartwright, and Joe Ross. Common ideas about knowledge and science are challenged and the creative mind of visitors may be stimulated to come up with a different vision of science and perhaps even art.

Mickey Boone
Prof. Dr. Miki Bohn is Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Twente. In 2009, she published in collaboration with Trouw's editor of philosophy and religion, Peter Henke Steenhuis, a book called “Philosophy of Seeing – Art from a Different Perspective”, in which, based on looking at and contemplating works of art, they explore ideas in the history of philosophy that relate to knowing Man, his vision and his creation. In addition to being a philosopher, Mickey Boone is also a scientist and engineer – and her experiences as a scientific researcher play an important role in her philosophical work.

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it costs
Entrance fee is 12.50 euros including a cup of coffee or tea (students: 5 euros). The ticket can be purchased in the hall, but only using a debit card. You can also book in advance by transferring €12.50 no later than Thursday 13 March, to IBAN NL91 RABO 0198 2534 19 under the name Filosofiecafé Twente, writing “lecture Boon”.

The hall opens at 1:45 pm. Note: Visitors who have paid in advance can cancel their reservation up to 24 hours in advance to receive a refund.

Philosophy Café Twente
Philosophy Café Twente wants to bring people in Twente in touch with philosophy, ethics and relevant social topics in an accessible way. That is why we organize meetings in Enschede and Born with a philosophical introduction to a socially relevant topic or to the philosopher's ideas. During these meetings we listen to others, question ourselves, and engage in conversation with each other.

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