André Hazes is not at Holland Zingt Hazes concerts

André Hazes is not at Holland Zingt Hazes concerts

Holland continues Zingt Hazes, but unfortunately without Andre. That doesn’t mean there will be a gap in the show, Gerard Juling has now been added to the squad. Artists presenting at Holland Zingt Hazes 2021 are: Roxeanne Hazes, Jeroen van der Boom, Gerard Joling, Miss Montreal, Samantha Steenwijk, Rolf Sanchez, Jamai, Ruth Jacott, Peter Beense and Senna. The ninth edition of the hit concert series will take place on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 November.

Andre will be at the Lotto Arena in Antwerp on November 10, 11 and 13. But the people who managed to get a ticket for this concert were also disappointed: these performances were cancelled. Instead, the singer comes with a Belgian version of Holland Zingt Hazes: Vlaanderen Zingt Hazes. During these Flemish performances, other artists from Holland such as Jeroen van der Bom and Thomas Berg will also take the stage. “Anyway, it’s going to be a big Haze party,” the organization says.

In addition, Andre will give a number of concerts in Belgium in October and November. Earlier today it was announced that performances at the Belgian Oktoberhallen in Wieze will not take place. The singer will be on stage on October 30 and 31, but concerts have since been cancelled. And that’s not all. His concert on November 1 in Denze, Belgium, also drew a line.

employee in Events Event organizer RTL Boulevard has informed that a letter will be sent to all ticket holders this week. “We would like to let you know that André Hazes The Evening of Your Life – The concert I bought a ticket for has been cancelled. As I heard, Andrei is being treated for complaints of fatigue. All shows canceled in October and November. A new date is being searched for. We will look into this with management in the near future and get back to you as soon as possible.”

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In mid-September, Andrei announced that he was suffering from exhaustion. According to his manager, the singer needed time to “restore his strength”. He was supposed to be in Ahoy on October 15-16, but those shows were moved to 2022.

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