Amazon Luna Review: Perfect for Amazon Prime Members

Amazon Luna Review: Perfect for Amazon Prime Members

Whether we like it or not, we live in a time when more and more services are available to us that offer us entertainment on a monthly subscription basis. When it comes to movies and series, services like Netflix, HBO Max and Amazon Prime have become almost indispensable in our existence. When it comes to gaming, we are still in the early stages. Xbox has Game Pass, PlayStation PlayStation Plus, there is Nvidia Shield and Netflix also offers gaming. Now Amazon also wants to join this battlefield. With Amazon Luna. JJ tried the service for a week and checked out how it works and whether the advantages of this new service are and what are its features. You can see and hear the conclusion in our Amazon Luna review.

Amazon Luna Review: What Are the Benefits of This Cloud Gaming Service?

Amazon Luna is a cloud gaming service in development by Amazon. The service was announced on September 24, 2020, and had 100 games available when it launched in the US on October 21, 2020. Recently, it was the Netherlands’ turn to enjoy the show. It’s a gamble, because no one has yet proven that a gaming service is financially viable. Just look at Google: deep pockets and they still cut Stadia. So the service really has to have perks, that make you feel like you’re crazy if you don’t sign up, in order to be viable. Is this Luna? And how does it work?

What is the offer on this new service?

Try JJ Amazon Luna. How much does it cost to subscribe? What if you’re already an Amazon Prime member, is there any benefit? Do you need additional equipment, such as a dongle, to operate it? Is the connection stable? Is the menu intuitive or are you looking for bad luck? And of course, the most important question: what is the range of games? Is the content offered by the service indispensable, a nice extra, or negligible? If you want more information about Amazon Luna, you can here finds

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