More waltz or pure electropop?

More waltz or pure electropop?

Then Harris. The opposite of Trump in everything. Cool, Brad, Kamela. Anger versus laughter. Swinging vs. Unyielding. Young and old. Black (sort of 😉 and white. Female vs male. Hope and Disbelief.

Blue brand. Pepsi Cola. Choice of new generation. Exploring brand archeology. Think Tesla too. Surprisingly, founder Elon Musk suddenly (as he was previously a Democrat and supported Biden) endorsed Trump. Talk about unpredictable. Of course, Elon is clearly not ‘woke’, given all the personal problems with his son/daughter Xavier (who he declared dead, ‘murdered by an awakened virus’).

No one expected Kamela to unleash so much energy as a relatively invisible vice president and to replace Joe Biden. And it can create a ditto fund. Being more creative and supportive online via social networks. But she does. Or rather: Charlie

After a grueling, grudge battle between the two old men, this new playground is liberating. Branding is definitely there is coming And Kamela understood that very well. In line with Obama’s focus on ‘faith is a strategy’ and ‘we can achieve what we believe in’, he says: ‘We are not backing down!’ A message of progress instead of regression. What could happen instead: ‘fuel the future’, instead of ‘preserving the past’.

The choice of Harris for Tim Walls is, in my opinion, a questionable one. Of course I understand that he is a well-balanced counterpart/complement/her: male, older and white. And he is also on the left and has a positive attitude: he is called a positive populist. In contrast to Trump, who is described as a negative populist.

My suspicion is that Walls’ identity and image do not adequately reflect the high energy and optimism of the story as I outlined above in the Blue Brand. Why not choose a candidate who meets this image with commitment, confidence and consistency?

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After all, positioning is about choosing. So others can choose easily.

So: waltz or at best pure electropop.

The question is whether to brat or not.

Your votes please.

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