Scientists have discovered the strongest substance on Earth: friendship

Scientists have discovered the strongest substance on Earth: friendship

Shutterstock / Bangkok Click Studio

Shutterstock / Bangkok Click Studio

Scientists at the US Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have discovered the strongest substance on Earth: friendship. “This material is five times stronger than strong steel,” says one of the researchers.

The investigation began in response to claims that Friendship was nothing more than a scrap package with a thin layer of chrome, but that was far from the truth. “This material is fifteen times stronger than an airplane’s aluminum frame, and you can build it really hard and trust it.”

Scientists have already gained many new insights from studying the materials. “Some friendships seem solid, but in reality they are a kind of fake stuff that looks very similar. The slightest pressure will break. But true friendship? It’s as rare as a four-leaf clover – hard to find, but lucky to have – and when you find it, it’s hard.

Researchers will first test the material further before it can be used in the real world. “You must remember that friendship consists of two things: wanting to give and being able to receive.”

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