Ubisoft takes servers offline for some old games – Update – Games – News

Ubisoft has taken the servers of many other old games offline, which means that online services and multiplayer modes on certain platforms are no longer available. In total, nearly 90 games on different platforms have been offline so far.

at Recent blog post by Ubisoft All games for which servers of the mentioned platforms are no longer connected are listed. The new listing is an addition to a previous announcement by the publisher, which, due to the closing of the used forum, only… It can be accessed via the Wayback Machine† Only eight titles have been released since the past glimpse To the new list, some games have been blocked from accessing online services for some time.

The disconnection of servers offline will affect how game owners will continue to be able to use the product. Multiplayer mode for affected games is no longer possible on affected platforms. Also, the number of players will not be visible and users in games that use the Ubisoft Connect service will not be able to earn units by completing challenges.

It is also possible to open Unlockable content It is no longer possible for the respective games. When it comes to a PC game, unlocked content can no longer be used. For affected games on consoles, the use of unlocked content already remains available, provided the save file is not reset. In any case, new content for affected games can no longer be unlocked on affected platforms.

Update 9:20 PM: The original message explicitly stated that all of the games on the new list were affected by servers being taken offline. This was a mistake. The presence of the old list of ads and games already taken offline has been added to the article. thanks for the disinfection

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