Children’s Book Writer Peter Kolwijk Wins Golden Granger Prize

Children’s Book Writer Peter Kolwijk Wins Golden Granger Prize

Writer Peter Kolwijk has his book josrt He received the Gouden Griffel Prize, the most important Dutch literature award for children’s books.

The book, with illustrations by Linde Faas, is about the experiences of protagonist Ties and his imaginary friend Gozert. Together they do things that are not always wise. Since Ties’ parents don’t know how to treat Ties and his makeup buddy, they decide to take him to an establishment.

According to the jury, Kolvík proves in his book “that imagination has a right to a place in reality.” devotion Instead of praising the humor josrt, “With wonderfully amazing characters.”

The 46-year-old Koolwijk has written five other children’s books in recent years. The role of imagination in everyday reality plays a role in every book.

The author combines his writing with his work as an IT specialist in the Emin municipality, where he also lives. josrt It is the first book that Kolwijk has won Godin Greville. The book is written for children between the ages of 9 and 12.

golden brush

The award for best children’s picture book, The Golden Brush, goes to Ludwig Volpeda. He made drawings for the book Full stories of a half-soldierWritten by Benny Lindelof.

Full stories of a half-soldier About six brothers each were conscripted into the army. Each of the brothers has to pass through a border point, where they tell stories in order to cross. They tell about these experiences in the letters they send to the brothers who are still at home. The jury said Vulpeda beautifully depicted the story with “interesting graphics”.

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Children’s Book Week

Prizes were handed out on the eve of Children’s Book Week. It will start tomorrow. This year’s theme is “Be what you want”. Writer Pete Westra who last year Received a Gouden Griffel Award, he wrote Children’s Book Week gift: “Tiril and the magic Potion.”

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