Water polo players begin the search for a new world title after losing to the number one country, the United States of America

Water polo players begin the search for a new world title after losing to the number one country, the United States of America

News Sports

Water polo players lose their first match in the World Cup to the leading country, the United States of America

The Netherlands lost the first group match at the Water Polo World Cup in Doha 10-8 to the United States. In a game where the Netherlands were constantly trailing after the first quarter, things got even more interesting in the final stretch. But profit is no longer possible.

Short lead

There was a slight lead in the first quarter (2-1), but then the American women took the lead. Simone van de Kraats was the Netherlands’ top scorer with four goals.

Before the tournament, Dutch national team coach Evangelos Dudessis has already said that he of course wants to win, but his focus is also on the games in Paris. He added, “I am not saying that the Doha Round is not important to us. But I am saying that Paris is much more important.”

Kazakhstan, the Netherlands’ next opponent, won its first match 16-15 against Brazil. The Netherlands is expected to have few problems with Kazakhstan and Brazil.

Van der Sloot does not panic after the defeat: “We are focusing on the second week”

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