This is what skiing is like in Wyoming, USA

This is what skiing is like in Wyoming, USA

Winter sports actor

Have you always wanted to visit America for winter sports? This live update gives you a small glimpse of what awaits you. Gijs Hardeman and Vincent van Binsbergen are on their trip to America and visit different ski areas during their trip. We can show you what they've been up to!

Winter sports in Wyoming

What is it like to do winter sports in America? It is possible Gijs Hartmann Inside Vincent van Pinsbergen Show us. Both men are taking a road trip through Wyoming and Idaho, and they're sharing the first part of this cool trip with us! The road trip through Wyoming began in Jackson Hole, where the men went on an ecotour through the area. They discover the national park with glaciers and encounter fascinating animals along the way.

Then a snowmobile trip to the hot springs was planned and of course there was skiing. At Grand Targhee, a ski area that always has snow, there was now a thick layer of fresh snow. Gijs: “Grand Torkey is less grand than Jackson Hole, and it's more social and pleasant. We spent the day with a local guide, “Duffy”, who knew the terrain from top to bottom. The car had 30 centimeters of fresh snow on the day of departure! It's not without reason that they say 'free refills every day'.

Pictures from America

What a cool trip!
Winter Sports America: Everything You Want to Know

More pictures from the US later this week as colleague Mike is also on his way across the ocean. He visits Park City and Deer Valley in Utah. More information and snow pictures to follow soon…

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