These student ministers know how to make our country better through scientific research

These student ministers know how to make our country better through scientific research

How do we move more? How did the Netherlands become a leader in ethical artificial intelligence? Victoria University student Hila Pawari and UvA student Ljubissa Mitikos, both ministers on the 14-member Student Council, have plans to improve the Netherlands.

What is the idea of ​​the Student Council?

Ljubisa Metikos (LM): “The Student Fund was initially a publicity stunt by fourteen Dutch universities. They want the bond between policy makers and scientists to become stronger; this policy is increasingly based on scientific research. Minister of Data and Privacy, I am primarily involved in many discussions, including with the Department of Justice and Security, the business community and professors, and I would like to share their thoughts with other policy makers. I see myself somewhat as a mediator, but I also learned a lot, so maybe I can finally make some suggestions regarding with politics.”

Hila Pawari (HB): “As a Student Minister for Sports and Exercise, I want to make health-related ideas from science more open to discussion in order to clarify what is important. For example, I will look at how to make people live healthier in an easy way with Youth Organization JOGG, Youth Op Gezond Weight”.

Why is it important to focus more scientific research on policy making?

LM: Research often stays within the academic bubble. Finding filter bubbles is an example of this. A filter bubble means that the information you see online is tailored to your online search behaviour. As a result, you are no longer presented with various data. When you only see the formatted information, your clicking behavior is also more focused on that information. This will give you an echo effect and can get stuck in your bubble. Many people feel that more attention should be paid to this. However, most scientists cannot find filter bubbles in their experimental research. If policy makers are going to focus on liquidation bubbles, I think they’ve gotten a little bit off target. this is shame “.

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Hila Pawari, Minister of Sports and Student Movement.

HP: “It is not always possible to extract information from the search into the ‘real world.’ There is a term for that: implementation gap. However, we can learn a lot from different studies, for example from international research into the sugar tax. The Netherlands has not yet provided this, but Norway and the United Kingdom, among other countries, have. We know he works there.”

What are your plans as a student minister?

HP: “I want to focus on what the government can do to help the Netherlands move forward. One option is to create a green environment that encourages people to do more. I also want children to be able to exercise for free.”

LM: “I am interested in secure technologies in my plans. In the Netherlands, we already have a lot of experience when it comes to data protection and artificial intelligence certification, ie Artificial intelligence, Amnesty International. We have all kinds of research institutes doing research on this topic, including the Amsterdam Civic Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, the Human Artificial Intelligence (E) Laboratory and the UvA Information Law Institute. Among other things, it is concerned with preventing infringement of privacy and discrimination. We need to pay more attention to that and invest in it.”

How can your plans improve the Netherlands?

HP: “People become healthier when they exercise more. Exercise helps prevent disease and injury. Only half of the Dutch population meets the criteria for exercise guidelines. Research shows that children in a green environment play more outside. They move more and more.”

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Lom: “I see our country as number one in ethical AI. We are already ahead of other countries. There is more technical progress in AI in China than there is here, but there is no strong focus on ethics. It will be important, because there will be commitments Heavy on ethical AI. Startups in the Netherlands have already begun to focus primarily on this development. It will provide us with opportunities for the economy.”

Lupisa Miticus, Minister van Studentengegevens in Privacy.

Do you have political ambitions for the future?

HB: “I am open to it, but at first I have other plans. In fact, I just want to succeed in making the Netherlands better and healthier. I am convinced that this will work with our plans.”

Lum: “I really enjoy politics, but now I focus mainly on the legal profession. I was active on an advisory committee at Uitgeest, the Youth and Youth Council, and as a result I saw that the political process was going very slowly. That can be frustrating.”

HP: “Fortunately, you can reach people and have an impact by sending an email. Politicians are friendly and respond to us positively.”

Hella Power

Kabul (Afghanistan) April 23, 1996

2013-2014: Year of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Hans University Groningen

2014-2018: Oral Care, Hans University, Groningen

2018–present: Dental Hygienist, Apeldoorn

2019-present: MSc Health Sciences, VU University Amsterdam جامعة

2021 – until now: Minister of Sports and Exercise in the Council of Ministers

Lubesa Mitikos

Belgrade (Serbia), 5 July 1998

2016-2020 BA in Law from Utrecht University

2018 – until now Member of the Youth and Youth Council of the municipality of Otjes

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2020-Present LLM Information Law, University of Amsterdam

2020-Present Research Assistant Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam

2021 Minister of Data and Privacy in the Council of Ministers

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