The Queen of Cheese has built an empire in America: “Trump can use some humor from Twenty” |  Homepage

The Queen of Cheese has built an empire in America: “Trump can use some humor from Twenty” | Homepage

WEERSELO – Marychi Terre Kors lived in America for seventeen years. You’ve built an empire like a cheese queen. She happened to be back in Twente this week. The photos of the storming of the Capitol were deeply shocked there. “Anything is possible in America, so unfortunately that too.”

For Twente, who grew up in Weerselo, the eruption was not surprising. “Everyone felt this was coming. Part of the population beatified Trump. They are following him blindly, no matter what he says.

Aggression has always been a thing in America, but it has only grown in recent years. That should have come out sometime, that was for sure. Just the moment that stunned me. I was expecting this earlier. Anger cannot be contained, and certainly not in America. “


A portion of the population beat Trump. They follow him blindly no matter what he says.

Marikie Terre Kors

Shameful to see

Returned to the Netherlands for about a week, Marek Ter Cures (44). She arrived in Schiphol on December 29th with her two youngest children. She saw pictures from Washington with her family in Werselo.

“It was embarrassing to watch it. All the people I’m talking to here ask me about it. They want to know how you can live in such a country. Sometimes I ask myself that. However, there’s always the other side too. America offers me the possibilities that I don’t have here.” It is a country that breaks people but can also make it amazing. Anything is possible, and unfortunately that too. “

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