TechTip: This is how you exercise with Strava

TechTip: This is how you exercise with Strava

Strava Tech Advice

Since its launch in 2009, Strava has become a very popular sports app. How do you start? This is Strava for beginners.


Strava can be compared to Facebook for sports fans. For years, the mobile application has been the platform for sports fans to share their activities, challenge each other or join digital clubs. The great advantage of this sports app is that it is largely free and yet it has a lot of functions to offer. Don’t be under any illusions, Strava is clearly trying to sell you a subscription. Otherwise how can such an application survive?

Thanks to the advent of the pandemic, Strava’s popularity has surpassed other sports apps. In total, the app now boasts 73 million users. Would you like to try? Then read this workshop first.

Work out with Strava in 4 steps

Step 1 / Start Strava

After downloading the Strava app in . format App Store or Play Store We can start. Open the app on your smartphone and create an account if necessary. This can be done via a link with Facebook, Google and Apple or simply manually using your own data. Strava also has a web app so you can manage everything through it Let’s start with the summary. Here you will see – just like on Facebook or Instagram – all the activities of the people or organizations you follow. Usually, Strava will give some suggestions for people to follow right from the start. At the top of the feed you choose You To view and join your activities Clubs You can view the club you are a member of. Not a club member yet? Don’t worry, that’s what was covered in step four of this workshop.

straight 1
Create an account and challenge yourself right away.

Step 2 / Profile renewal

The penultimate tab at the bottom is profile account† Here you can view and/or manage all the results of your own activities. Strava always shows an overview of the past week and the distance you traveled. You can choose between Walking and cycling And the swimming. As you go down, the app shows stats, tracks, messages, and even gear (if you enter any). Would you like to complete your profile? then press click on the right On the Settings wheel† Bee Apps, Services and Devices You can, among other things, connect your smartwatch or other devices to the Strava app.

straight 2
Complete your profile as fully as possible.

!! Photo: Strava3

Connect your profile to your smartwatch.

Step 3 / Record the activity

Let’s move on to the devices associated with your Strava profile. For example, do you have a Garmin, Fitbit, or Apple sports watch? Then you can link it to Strava. The advantage of this is that your sports watch will automatically recognize and share your sports activities in the app. This way you never have to start or stop an activity manually. Don’t you want it that way? Then you can click the tab at the bottom of the application register to take advantage. This will start a session of your choice. The app also instantly displays a list of sports that you can play. From running to kayaking to snowboarding and kite surfing. Almost every sport is available and can be shared via the sports app.

Strava 3
Connect your profile to your smartwatch.

Step 4 / Extra Challenge

Do you need a challenge or motivation from other athletes? Then we recommend that you join the club. To do this, click to look into and choose from the list for Clubs† Strava will now display popular clubs in your area, but you can also search manually. Companies often also choose to organize in-company competitions through a club. You can of course ignore it. At the top you can too Challenges Togo. From a monthly half marathon to cycling challenges and everything after that. The possibilities are vast and almost all of them are free.

Strava 4
Do you need extra incentive? Join the club.

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