Squatters occupy a building above Levi’s in Nijmegen and an angry shopkeeper: “We pay rent for this” |  Nijmegen

Squatters occupy a building above Levi’s in Nijmegen and an angry shopkeeper: “We pay rent for this” | Nijmegen

to updateSquatters from the Jantien group in Nijmegen occupy another building in the centre. It concerns two floors of leases from the franchisee of Levi’s clothing store from the Amsterdam real estate development company RJB, which is owned by real estate billionaire Ronnie Rosenbaum.

The owner is going to report a burglary.

“Obviously we’re not happy with this. It’s a property we’re renting out,” says Robert Anrock, who works for the developer.

The squatters in the building on Broerstraat, directly above Levi’s, may remain, for the time being, the Public Prosecutor’s judgment. This is because the group has not been caught and has been in space for several days. Then the police can’t just evict the squatters.

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