Martin van Rossem reveals in De Slimste Mens that he made a booth employee cry

Martin van Rossem reveals in De Slimste Mens that he made a booth employee cry

After a question about euro notes, Martin presses his great friend: the bell. This means he has another story. After a holiday in Austria, he has a surplus of 100 euros. “Instead of the 50 euro banknote, which we consider normal, they consider the 100 euro banknote to be normal. Then I arrive at the central station in Utrecht and want to buy a magazine. I hand the 100 euro banknote from Austria and that woman says, ‘We can’t accept it’ “.

A celebrity like Martin Van Rossum couldn’t be told this by some shop assistant, so he looked for it. So I said, ‘It’s so sad that you say that, because then I’d like to talk to your boss. Then I thought: OK, then don’t complain. Then I’ll use that plastic (debit card, editor). But he’s stupid. Do you know where I can finally get rid of my 100 euro bills? At the nearby grocery, because he knows who I am.

After this tragic revelation, the broadcast continued. It’s now the last week and today Jeep van der Ton pulled out, while Eric van Mooswinkel was the smartest of the day. The final is on Friday and then we know who wins smartest person 2022. You can watch the program every business day this week at 8.40pm on NPO 2.

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