Renzi Clammer Doesn’t Want to Grate (loudly) for Khalid and Sophie’s Failure –

Renzi Clammer Doesn’t Want to Grate (loudly) for Khalid and Sophie’s Failure –

Renze Klamer and Fidan Akiz have been brutally removed from the screen by BNNVARA. Very few viewers, very left. The announcer mixed with the successors Khaled Kassem and Sophie Hillebrand and did not let Clamer and Akes know until the last minute. leftists among themselves.

Renzi publicly expressed his astonishment at the turn of events. Does he regret it? “No it’s not. It was really delivered to us at the last minute, so I thought: I think it would also be good to give my reaction. That was how I felt at that moment. I thought: I’m going to get rid of it,” he said over the weekend.

He is probably proud of Khaled and Sophie’s difficult first months. Because De Vooravond had to go because so few people were watching. But few people watch Khaled and Sophie. “You saw it. And then? I don’t really think it’s nice to say things about it.”

And the program itself? Better than Eve? “I may have looked at it for a while, but I also decided that I wouldn’t say anything about it. Lots of people ask me what I think about it, of course, but I never find it cool to judge my peers. The viewer judges.”

Bronn (nen): Media Guide
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